Yoga Therapy for Matrescence

When a baby is born so is a mother. This course is to support and honour your journey into matrescence with a focus on nurturing all parts of you as you transition into motherhood.

Matrescence, the process of becoming a mother is a very easy and natural transition for some mothers, but perhaps for the majority, it is a difficult transition and often feels like an existential crisis. Being so close to both life and death, agony and ecstacy, joy and pain, love and hate, matrescence confronts every paradox under the sun and often leaves a feeling of grief for the old self, doubt and self criticism and creates a sense of isolation and dysregulation.

Matrescence is somewhat about letting go and giving into nature, allowing ourselves to be pushed out of our previous shape and let ourselves be stretched into different and constant changeable shapes, often to our limits. It is a forceful experience that affects all parts of the self, including physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual parts. It also confronts us socially and politically adding extra layers of complexities and stress.

Unlike other perinatal courses that focus on either mother and baby or the physical aspects of matrescence, this course give all parts of you some focus, care and attention. Using the kosha model as a framework for delivery, the course is based on the principles outlined below

  • Acceptance - Building self acceptance and compassion

  • Community - Leaning into and creating community where experiences are shared with others

  • Awareness - Exploring mindfulness practices to develop awareness of patterns in the self

  • Regulation Skills - Create a tool box of micro practices that help regulate the nervous system

  • Empowerment - Building self efficiency through various tools and resources

Set over 8 weeks, in each 90 minute session, we explore a theme related to matrescence in discussion and self inquiry. You will develop psycho-education on how our minds and bodies change during the process of matrescence. You will explore and learn specific evidence based movement practices, various mindfulness techniques, breathwork and lean into some essential rest to support and increase a sense of overall well-being whilst connecting to others.

Each week you will be given a resource to take away to use as you wish, you will also have access to a private Facebook group where the Matrescence community continues to grow through support and sharing.

Dates and times TBC